Invoking the Heart

As I was getting ready to wax poetic about the healing power of the rose, I realized what I really wanted to share was an invitation -

I recently attended an event with Pure Ishvari where founder Aparna Khanolkar lead us in a meditation. The goal was to envision the heart space, physically and spiritually. During the event we chanted, practiced some seated yoga and after the meditation we nourished our bodies with coconut water and Rose + Date Laddoos.

The imagry Aparna invoked was powerful and has stuck with me. And now I offer it to you:

  • Close your eyes and sit in a quiet way and become aware of your breath.

  • Place your fingertips on the breastbone above the heart chakra

  • While breathing deeply in. And out. Bring your awareness to your thoughts. Invision them in a way that has substance, or movement, maybe a texture.

  • Where is that focus? Above the brows? Above your head.

  • Now remember your heart? Imagine that I place a bowl under your heart, and I pour honey over your thoughts, and pools in the bowl.

  • What happens to those thoughts? Notice without judgement.

Roses are not only a theme for Aparna. Roses and the pressed essence of the rose are revered as symbols of love in part because of the energy of the rose oil and it’s intrinsic value in the healing the tissues of body: nourishing and revitalizing. This is true in Eastern, Western and Latin mythology as well as in Ayurvedic medicine.

The rose enlivens inner beauty, helps the skin to radiate inner glow out to others, and enhances all seven dhatus (body tissues). When used over time, the essence of rose pacifies the heat in the blood, preventing imbalances from causing eruptions.

I have carried this meditation with me and it comes to mind when my brain is swirling: what are my thoughts doing? What if I sweeten them with warm honey and collect the honey for my heart? It has helped me to create some awareness and stillness. I hope it brings you some insight and peace as well.

Please find your way to one of the intimate Pure Ishvari collaborations around town, and look at her products and services. Aparna is a practitioner of Ayurveda and councils on nutrition as well as creating plant-based products as tools for wellness.

Aparna has graciously given me the recipe to share with you:

Rose + Date Laddoos 


1 cup raw cashews

1 cup raw almonds

1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

1 tbsp rose water 

1 cup pitted dates

1/4 cup raisins

2 tsp cardamom powder

1 tsp rose petal powder 


Pulse the cashews, almonds and coconut in a food processor till crumbly and powdery. Now add the dates, raisins, rose water, cardamom powder and rose petal powder and pulse till the entire mixture comes together. Transfer to a bowl and form them into golf ball sized balls. Enjoy!  

Recipe by Aparna of Pure Ishvari 2020-2023 for Alchemy, LLC